anak ini umur 14 tahun udah jadi marinir gan !
Jacklyn H. Lucas joined the military at the age of 14! Wow, what did you do when you were 14? Jacklyn Harold Lucas didnt have time to watch iCarly and participate in Facebook drama as a pre-teen; having a muscular build, 5 ft. 8 tall and weighing 180 pounds, he enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve. He didnt even ask his mom first!
He gave his age as 17 and went to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island for recruit training immediately. Lucas received the Medal of Honor for acts of heroism during the Iwo Jima campaign. He unhesitately hurled himself over his comrades upon on grenade and pulled one under himself.
When one of the grenades exploded, Lucas experienced its full blow. Lucas- the youngest Marine ever to receive the USs highest military decoration- was presented the award by President Harry S. Truman at the Whitehouse on Friday, 5 October, 1945.
Spoilerfor translate:
Sebuah 14-tahun berbohong tentang usia dan bergabung dengan Marinir!
Jacklyn H. Lucas bergabung dengan militer pada usia 14! Wow, apa yang Anda lakukan ketika Anda 14? Jacklyn Harold Lucas tidak punya waktu untuk menonton iCarly dan berpartisipasi dalam drama Facebook sebagai pra-remaja, memiliki membangun otot, 5 ft 8 tinggi dan berat 180 pounds, dia terdaftar di Korps Marinir Reserve. Dia bahkan tidak meminta ibunya pertama!
Dia memberi usianya sebagai 17 dan pergi ke Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island untuk pelatihan merekrut segera. Lucas menerima Medal of Honor atas tindakan kepahlawanan selama kampanye Iwo Jima. Dia melemparkan dirinya unhesitately atas rekan-rekannya pada pada granat dan menarik satu di bawah dirinya.
Ketika salah satu granat meledak, Lucas mengalami pukulan penuh. Lucas-Marine termuda yang pernah menerima tertinggi militer AS-dekorasi disajikan penghargaan oleh Presiden Harry S. Truman di Whitehouse pada Jumat, 5 Oktober, 1945
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